"But this man, because he continueth ever, hath an unchangeable priesthood.

Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them. For such a high priest becomes us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens."


"And again, when he bringeth in the first begotten into the world, he saith, And let all the angels of God worship him.

And of the angels he saith, who maketh his angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire.

But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is forever and ever: a septre of righteousness is the septre of thy kingdom.

Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even thy God hath, anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows."


"Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation.

Jesus Christ the same, yesterday, and today, and forever."




When Our Lord Jesus Christ was in the world, and even after his death and resurrection, no one understood His ways. At times he appeared, may be, in the midst of two or three persons, and before they knew it, he disappeared. He appeared before Peter and the rest of them and disappeared in like manner. All these took place to confirm the local adage which says coco yam is cooked in accordance with its specie. This is in consonance with the action of someone who has missed his brother for a long time. Of course, he will readily assume or even embrace any person who resembles or bears any semblance of that brother. There is a high probability that his assumption is right, especially when the person presumed to be his brother begins to exhibit some familiar actions, such as asking about the family and other personal matters. IN LIKE MANNER SHALL ALL BELIEVERS RECOGNIZE OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST ON HIS SECOND COMING. ALREADY YOU HAVE HEARD THAT OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST IS THE SAME YESTERDAY, TODAY AND SHALL, FOREVER, REMAIN SO. Also the content of our First Bible Lesson in Hebrews 7:24-26, has made Him clear to us. So you have the duty of going home with today's message and meditate over it.

I am only reminding you because if you recall the type of life led by Our Lord Jesus Christ during His manifestation on earth and then compare it to what is now going on in the world, you will only draw conclusions by yourself without waiting for somebody else to reveal it to you. Even the First Lesson has revealed that He is not dead even though people claim that He is dead.

Peter was a very powerful disciple yet he argued that Our Lord Jesus Christ would not die. That was when Our Lord Jesus Christ informed them that He would die but resurrect on the third day. Peter's argument was based on the fact the fact that it is written from the beginning that Christ will not taste of death forever. (Matt 16:21-24). So as human, when he heard Christ pronounce that he would die, he became confused and even doubted whether Jesus was the real Christ or the Promised Messiah. Thus, Peter contemplated within himself, "It was written that He will not die and if it happens that this very one will die it means he is not the one. I have derailed from the right path and my soul shall not be at peace."

What happened is that He died and resurrected on the third day. And the logic in the statement has to do with THE TRANSFORMATION FROM THE FLESH TO THE SPIRIT. And you could now hear what has been told us this day that he lives forever. But all other churches believe and proclaim that He is dead. The question is when did He die? Have they not been seeing that portion in the scripture? Since you continue to claim that Jesus Christ is beneath the earth, or in the sky etc. have you not seen his work going on? Have you ever seen the work of a dead man in the world going on as smoothly as when he was alive? Once you die, all your belongings are dead because the people you left behind will misuse and mismanage them. Who united the world? Recall that even when Our Lord Jesus was born the world did not recognize Him but now has the world not recognized Him? Many still do not believe in him. Here in Brotherhood of the Cross and Star WE BELIEVE IN CHRIST IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH. SO WHENEVER YOU ARE TAKING TO HIM, ADDRESS HIM AS IF HE IS FACING YOU DIRECTLY AT THAT POINT IN TIME. WHENEVER YOU WANT TO HAVE ANY DEALINGS WITH HIM, DO IT RIGHT AWAY BECAUSE YOU HAVE SEEN HIM PHYSICALLY. DO NOT FEAR.

Even now, he still appears at any time and any where he likes. He is still healing the sick. That is why by singing songs and rebuking the sickness, the sick get healed right. This shows that He is the doer of all the activities carried on here, the singing, dancing, praying etc. HE IS THE TEACHER AND THE ADVISER. If you doubt it, then I ask you, have you ever gone on any workshop to train as a preacher? Have you ever gone to India, America, Israel, or anywhere in the world to be trained as a preacher? If no, then where did you acquire the wisdom and truth with which most of you preach? Meanwhile, have you ever seen a priest who is truthful? So He alone is worthy and He is the only Chief Priest. And forever He remains the only Chief Priest and none will ever emerge again. SO YOU SHOULD NOT BE DECEIVED BY ANYBODY WHO MAY RISE TOMORROW AND CLAIM TO BE THE CHIEF PRIEST. For Our Lords Jesus Christ has taken His glorious throne and His glory has neither beginning nor an end. He is the great teacher who has taken everybody to His Father.

I have been telling you to stop gazing at the sky, imagining His likeness. Have you not seen his likeness within you. Even in your bedroom He is always conversing deeply with you. In the past, many people did not see Him, talk less of conversing with Him. But now you have seen Him, you do not see Him while sailing on the river or flying in the sky alone, but you see Him wherever you go. Then what is the sense of doubting Him?




Brethren, this is now His time; hence none can withstand Him. The spirit which descended on Him during His baptism was a sign. That was why it was said that whoever the spirit shall descend upon is the one who shall baptize with spirit and with fire. The purpose of the Spirit that descended upon Him was in order for people to say or declare that He is the one. It is unlike when one declares or proclaims that when you see some one putting on red, black or immaculate white garment that he is the one. BUT THE SIGN YOU ARE BEING TOLD IS A SPECIAL ONE THAT WAS REVEALED TO JOHN TO ENABLE HIM TO IDENTIFY HIM. (JOHN 1:32-34).

Remember when Our Lord Jesus Christ was led into the wilderness to be tempted? But what was the outcome of the temptations? Were they able to overcome Him? Did He not overcome the temptations? THEN WHO IN THE WORLD CAN WITHSTAND HIM? He walked freely on the seas, He could appear before two or three persons, and even greet them.

On the first day of His crucifixion, a mere calling on the name of His Father around 3 P.M. something miraculous happened. This is because it is said when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of Man they shall all rise. That amongst them the righteous shall live in peace while the sinners shall remain in judgement. Before this time, there was no spirit because everybody ranging from Adam was still on earth. They were taken by death and tortured by Hades. That is why He came in order to go and gather them unto salvation.

In the past, there was no aeroplane; and all the things you are now seeing, including civilization started on that very day. He did redeem everybody hence there exists no more death, gnashing of teeth etc., and He lives forever. He is present even right here. He is in you, in our midst, He is both physical and invisible. You can see that He is referred to as 'He' and not 'she' or 'it.' And the 'He' stands for a human being. Hence it is said: when He shall come. SO HE IS NOW GOING ABOUT EVERYWHERE AND AT THE SAME TIME ACCOMPLISHING HIS WORK. That is why whenever you want to go on ministry work, and you invite Him to follow you along, He does not hesitate to go before and behind you.

Do you think Peter was responsible for all the work he did? Or do you think he was going about alone? It was even after the crucifixion of Our Lord Jesus Christ that Peter and even Paul became very famous as far as the work of God is concerned. This shows that He was the person accomplishing those works. Recall how Peter was imprisoned and an angel came and set him free by loosing the band on his hands and legs, as well as opening the gate for him to go out? (Acts 12:3-11). Who do you think was responsible for these things? There is nothing that man can do to Him. Death itself has no dominion over Him. Rather He can even kick death as one kicks a football. The parable which referred to the kingdom as the likeness of a grain of mustard seed signified Him. In fact He was referring to Himself. Thus he said... (See Matt 13:31-32).

Brethren, is it not what you are now seeing? Do you think He can at this moment enter into a woman's womb? Who is that woman who can give birth to Him? Which community can He live in? Who is capable of advising Him? He has assumed His glorious seat, and has grown to an un-quantifiable and indescribable extent. His glory has multiplied a hundredfold. So, not even the wind, water, bird, or man can withstand His power. If He has overcome death as well as Hades then what do you actually think about Him? Does it mean that He is now in the sky? ARE YOU AWARE OF HIS PRESENCE? IS ANYONE, THE WORLD OVER, AWARE OF HIS PRESENCE ON EARTH? I AM TELLING YOU THAT JESUS THE CHRIST IS PRESENT RIGHT HERE ON EARTH. HE IS THE PERSON GETTING EVERYTHING PREPARED. THE PROBLEM IS THAT HE HAS NOT COME THE WAY YOU EXPECTED. If the whites are capable of going to the moon, as well as carrying out many acts to the amazement of many, then how much more God? What do you think He cannot do? HE HAS COME IN A HIDDEN WAY, HENCE NONE COULD SEE HIM. The people of the world have tried to wage war against Him but they have failed, so they restrict their move. THAT IS WHY I AM TELLING YOU THAT THE HOLY SPIRIT IS RIGHT HERE AND WHENEVER YOU WANT TO DISCUSS WITH HIM, DO SO WITH ALL AMOUNT OF ASSURANCE THAT YOU ARE DISCUSSING FACE TO FACE WITH HIM. IF HE WERE NOT HERE NO ONE WOULD HAVE LED YOU INTO THIS KINGDOM. Even the whites who proclaim that Our Lord Jesus Christ is dead are wrong, but I pray that God should forgive them. Imagine such proclamation against somebody who is seated on His throne.

As I have said earlier, this is a glorious time. That is why even the whites and the great men of this earth can no longer brag, for He is mightier than they are. We are His witnesses hence you now have the power to kick these great men of the world like professors, doctors, etc. with your foot. This ability does not come from you but from OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST. THIS IS THE VERY COMFORTER, OF WHOM IT WAS PROPHESIED WOULD COME AND TEACH YOU ALL THINGS AND CLARIFY ALL THINGS TO YOU. But for His coming, who would have told you, or how would you know what had taken place, or what will take place thousands of years to come? Apart from Him, who in the world is loving, powerful, and truthful? He has to accomplish His work and He is the only priest that we have hence we are witnesses to His glory. AND ALL THOSE WHO BELIEVE IN HIM HAVE RECEIVED SALVATION.




After Christ's resurrection, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went with spices to His grave. Unknown to them, they saw someone who, they thought, was the gardener; but this was Our Lord Jesus Christ whom they went to seek. They asked Him for the corpse of Our Lord Jesus Christ. In fact, Mary Magdalene did not recognize Him as Jesus Christ. He later asked them to go and inform His disciples that He had risen. Surprisingly, before Mary could get to where His disciples were staying, He had already revealed Himself to them. He appeared before the disciples and said, "Let peace be with you." THEREFORE YOU SHOULD REALIZE THAT HE IS THE COMFORTER AS WELL AS THE REDEEMER. EVERYTHING COMES FROM HIM AND NOTHING, NOT EVEN MAN, CAN WITHSTAND HIM. If you want to know more about Him search the scriptures and read about all that happened with the disciples, Mary Magdalene and others. So you should learn your lesson from those events.

HENCEFORTH YOU SHOULD NOT CONTINUE TO SEARCH FOR HIM IN ANY OTHER WAY, FOR HE IS EVERYWHERE. Even as you are sitting down there, He is the person sitting there with you. Even if it is a little child that you come across, He is the one that you have seen. If you see a toy standing before you, He is the person standing. He is the leaves, the birds you are seeing. Do not share the same view with the people of the world who say that Our Lord Jesus Christ is dead and buried simply because they have not seen Him. It is because they cannot see Him that prompted Him to advise that they should not search for the living among the dead. Do you not understand why He said to them, Why do you search for the living among the dead? That he is not here but you should go to Galilee, (Matt 28:8-10/Luke 24:5-6), for there you would see Him. Since then, when did He die? Who saw His corpse if really He is dead? Have you now seen how His ways elude you? So you should not doubt Him any longer for He did promise that He shall not leave you as orphans but He shall live with you for eternity. Therefore, He will neither taste of death nor sickness. He does not lack and He is without blemish. There is no sin in Him, no cunningness or craftiness in him; nothing like sacrifice, but He lives forever. So you should be proud of Him. Even before the whole world, stamp your feet on the ground and proclaim the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Whatever pronouncement you make He is ready to accomplish it for you.

Recall when He fed thousands with only five loaves and two fishes. This shows that there is nothing He cannot do. Your problem is that you are skeptical about whether He is dead or not, and whether He is coming back again. Remember what Christ said in John 14:12. He declared to us that when the Comforter shall come, He shall reveal unto us everything, and at the same time lead us to the accurate knowledge of truth. So this is our own key. We owe a duty of revealing Him to the world.




"But this man, because He continueth ever, hath an unchangeable priesthood. Wherefore he is able to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them. For such an high priest became us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens."


Brethren, when Our Lord Jesus Christ learnt that Lazarus was sick, He said, "This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby." (John 11:4).

Before long, the sickness worsened and took the life of Lazarus. The corpse of Lazarus laid for four consecutive days and was about to decompose when Christ came and ordered the removal of the stone from the grave. (John 11:41-43).

Anyone in his right senses would ponder over who such a person is, whose words come to pass. Having known Him properly, how can you believe anyone who tells you that Jesus died? If someone dares to tell you that, if you pick up an argument with the person, even Christ will be right there on the scene, to your amazement. He is everywhere and He is always there with you even when you think He is not.

Christ requires one thing from us and that is FAITH. Hence BELIEVE IN HIM. The question is who is he that has surrendered himself to Him? Who loves Him with all his mind and all his soul?

Who believes that He has taken leadership over the heavens and the earth? He reigns everywhere, even in the waters, in heaven, the earth and all things therein. Then if you believe and accept Him right now you are saved. So you should not lament again, do not demand for alms any longer, and mourn no more, DO NOT BE SAD ANY MORE FOR YOU HAVE A FATHER AS WELL AS THE COMFORTER. For peace to abide with you, just surrender yourself unto Him and that is all. He has come to straighten even the government. So once you believe in Him that is all. He can change you even this moment and make all things available to you. And you will be without problems because He has not come for anybody to suffer. The gospel at John 14:1-3 is exactly what you are now seeing. For all those who believe in Him are with Him. Hence wherever

they go He is with them. He does not leave them an inch. Having spoken these words He is the person who is leading you. HE HAS NO ASSISTANT OR HAVE YOU SEEN ANY OTHER PERSON WHO LOVES HIM TRULY, AND THERE IS NO BLEMISH IN HIS HEART? He is the only one vested with all these qualities and therefore if you will believe and accept Him you shall be free from all problems.

Obedience is the basic thing He desires from us. Because once you obey Him you would abide by all His words and walk on the path of righteousness. The revelation is very great. Who could have been able to reveal Him? Do you think flesh and blood can reveal Him? That is the reason why, "whatever He binds none can loose, and whatever He loosens, none can bind." (Isa 22:22). So the question remains, who could have been able to reveal God? He has come to change all things, and bestow things which were either non-existent to come into existence, and to make those things which exist not to exist. He has come to transform the leaves you are seeing for man, and also to transform the trees for man. Remember when He told His disciples that it is difficult for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven; and they said if it be so, who then can be saved? And he turned and looked at them surprisingly and replied, "with men it is impossible, but with God all things are possible." (See Matthew 19:23-36).

Brethren even the present condition of this country (Nigeria) as everyone is complaining, is very simple for God to change. He can change everything within the twinkling of an eye. He can transform you within a second. Also within a second He can change the whole world, and everything will be made new. This in fact will take place in your presence. We are very lucky. So you should always abide by His instructions. The work He does in this last dispensation is even greater than the one He did during His first manifestation on earth. HE WAS RECOGNIZED AS CHRIST IN THE LAST GENERATION, BUT NO ONE RECOGNIZES HIM IN THIS GENERATION. Some people say He is a white man, others say He is a black man, yet others say He is a reddish man and so on. So this shows that His coming has confounded many. BUT THE WHOLE WORLD RESTS IN HIS PALM. Hence He is not affected by mundane things like hunger, lack, fighting, fraud, etc. All power, wisdom, and bravery are under His control. MANY CHRISTIANS AGREE THAT OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST HAS CONQUERED THE WHOLE WORLD. THIS IS VERY TRUE BECAUSE HE IS THE CONQUEROR DWELLING RIGHT HERE WITH US. All should believe in him and abide by his instructions. He enjoined those who have two coats to freely give one to him who has none. (Luke 3:11). If you abide by his instructions, you will overcome anger, quarrel, gossip, etc.

These are the things which hinder your spiritual growth. When you learn to obey these instructions, you will know these things by yourself. Already many of you are aware of them and have seen them take place.

It is written, "seek ye first the kingdom of God and its righteousness, and all other things shall be added onto you."

(Matt 6:33). That is exactly how you can benefit from the grace of God. Food, money, and every other thing will be at your disposal. So you have no cause to lament because heaven and earth and all their contents were made by Him and are under His control. All that He owns are also owned by His children. And all that are owned by His children also owned by Him.

He is a Father to us, He is a friend, sister, husband, wife, relations. Wisdom, truth, and beauty are all His. He is the new kingdom of God. You should believe that He is responsible for the rainfall, the sunshine, and everything. So when you believe and worship Him, all your problems will disappear.



"And again, when he bringeth in the first begotten into the world, he saith, And let all the angels of God worship him.

And of the angels he saith, who maketh his angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire.

But unto the Son he saith, thy throne, O God, is forever and ever a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom.

Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows."


Brethren, He loves that which is good and He hates evil. This He has said is our first lesson. He has no connection with whatever is evil. He forbids fighting, quarreling, gossiping, etc. He is the only cock to crow. The question is, what is the wind that blows? It is His angel. The fire is His angel, and all things are His angels. That is why you find Him reacting at the appointed time. HIS GLORY AND HIS RULERSHIP ARE UNSHAKABLE. You can see the instruction in the text of the Second Bible Lesson. Hence all the angels in heaven and on earth, in the water, wind, and beneath the earth, all men, as well as everything have no right to utter a word. So you should stop advising Him, refrain from bad utterances against Him. Tempt Him no more, do not disobey Him again, curse Him no more, CORRECT HIM NOT, do not question Him on anything, but always appreciate Him and worship Him at all times. Your words to Him should be those of praises alone. BELIEVE AND OBEY HIM AT ALL TIMES FOR HE HAS DESCENDED FROM HIS THRONE.

If you abide by His instructions, you are bound to see His glory always. He can do everything. For instance, it is possible for Him to issue you a certificate, money, children, houses, etc. That statement: "seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all other things shall be added unto you, "is never a joke. So once you surrender yourself to Him, love everybody as you love yourself, your problems will be over. As far as I know, there is nothing you can do by yourself. Even preaching, speaking, praying, etc. cannot be done by you. For we are empty and we own nothing by ourselves. SO OBEDIENCE IS THE ONLY KEY TO OUR SUCCESS. Do not involve yourself in those things that He forbids you from doing. HE IS THE KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS, THE BEGINNING AND THE END. There exists no angel, man, nor any other spirit, but He alone exist, hence you have the cause to believe in Him. He has transformed that which is black to white and that which is white to be black so you should accept and abide by His instructions wholeheartedly. Once you know Him, ETERNALLY HE IS YOURS. WE ARE ALL HIS CHILDREN. Therefore we should worship Him, for He dwells forever. He is never on leave or on retirement. He is never sick. HE KNOWS EVERYONE AND FORGETS NONE, AND EVERYTHING IS IN HIM. SINCE HE LIVES FOREVER, HE CANNOT DIE; AND ALL THOSE WHO BELIEVE IN HIM CANNOT DIE. SINCE HE IS THE KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS, ALL THOSE WHO ARE WITH HIM ARE LIKE HIM, BECAUSE THE SON OF A KING IS ALSO A KING. SINCE HE IS THE OWNER OF ALL THINGS, BOTH SEEN AND UNSEEN, ALL THOSE WHO BELIEVE IN HIM ARE OWNERS OF ALL HIS BELONGINGS. ALL THAT THEY POSSESS BELONG ALSO TO HIM. HE IS THE OWNER OF EVERYTHING, INCLUDING THE SUN, THE MOON AND THE STARS, ETC. AND THERE IS NONE TO CHALLENGE HIM; FOR HIS RULERSHIP IS FOREVER. He has not asked you to bring money to Him but to submit yourself to him. PUT ON HIS WORDS AS A GARMENT AND PROCLAIM TO THE WORLD ABOUT HIS ARRIVAL SO THAT THEY WILL ACCEPT HIM. WE ARE ALL HIS CHILDREN AND HE IS OUR FATHER AND THEREFORE WE SHOULD LOVE ONE ANOTHER, AS WELL AS, LIVE IN HARMONY. BY DOING THIS HIS GLORY WILL BE REVEALED OPENLY TO YOU. Unbelief is the problem of the people of the world. You will see what is going to happen here in Calabar. The mere fact that the inhabitants have accepted Him, they are saved. Because of their belief in Christ, there will be a time when accommodation shall be so scarce in Calabar that you can hardly find a room to rent, because of the high demand and price for it. There will be a large airport in the city. Billions of naira will be expended to transform this place because of the belief in Christ. Our government will function properly when people believe in the gospel. The main thing He expects from man is to recognize His rulership. If man accepts His rule, then everything will be perfected. What do you think is the cause of the problems in the world? You lay the blame on mermaid, mermaid lays it on the fetish, the fetish lays it on the ancestral spirit, which in turn lays it on the witch or wizard who also lays it on man, man says it is money, and money says it is the angels. You should not blame yourselves, for the causes are not these but THE REFUSAL OF MAN TO BELIEVE IN GOD. ONCE YOU BELIEVE IN GOD EVERYTHING WILL BE PUT IN ORDER.



Brethren, the people of Calabar did not only believe but they have backed up their belief with works. They came with a crown, septre, as well as throne which they presented to Him and said, "We have completely surrendered, for you are worthy to rule over us. Take over your rulership." Above all, they have submitted themselves to the rulership of the Father and everything is subject to His command. Angels, elements, man, trees, wind, birds and everything are right under His throne.

What else do you think is left? It is a common adage among the Efiks that wisdom is the hallmark of the Efiks, while the Ibibios are characterized by craftiness. Have you ever seen the Efiks accepting any form of government? They have never for once embraced any government because they do not want any person to rule their community. But what prompted their acceptance of this kingdom to rule them? IS IT NOT BECAUSE THEY HAVE SEEN THE TRUTH? SO ALL ARE SUBJECT TO HIS KINGDOM. And the peace which has been bestowed unto this place is very great. All wealth, prosperity, good health, beauty, etc. have been bestowed on the Efiks.

Which city can compare with Calabar? From America to Russia, and throughout the world, there is no place that is so recognized as this community. People in other parts of the world even think that Calabar is better than London. This is just because the Efiks have accepted Him. The Efiks have never for once believed in anything. This was the reason why when the Europeans established their government first in Calabar, Archibong Eyo and the rest of them drove them away. The Europeans did their best to establish in Calabar without success. This is to show you that whoever is meant to be saved is already saved. But if you should go to the mainland, you would find that many of the chiefs there were unbelievers. They are still toying with and playing pranks with their connections. It is said: "But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring them hither, and slay them before me." (LUKE 19:27).

This is exactly what will happen to those people who are still indulging in all forms of idolatry. It is only one little angel who will strike gently on your head, and you will see what will happen. The snakes, ants, wind, water, land as well as all things are His messengers. Hence they all know Him. Listen attentively in order to receive this message. Take it home, AND INFORM THE WORLD THAT THE LANDLORD HAS COME. Researchers and investigators should relent in their effort because they will never see anything till their death. Read the Golden Text.


"Remember them which have rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation.

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever."


You have seen the truth, why do you continue in craftiness? Have you not seen the truth, love, mercy and humility? Why have you refused to recognize it but you continue in craftiness. Even then, you claim to be brave. Who made you a brave man? Only one man is brave and that is Our Lord Jesus Christ. That is why He has been able to sustain the whole world till this day, otherwise the angels would have destroyed the whole world. Hence He has instructed that all the angels, including Lucifer, snake, fire, man, etc. should all be of service to Him. Who then are you to challenge him? EVERYONE MUST THEREFORE BE CAREFUL.

Finally, go and find out the lifestyle of Abraham and the rest of the patriarchs and prophets. Find out how they sought their God until the arrival of the Messiah. GOD IS THE SAME AND CHRIST IS THE SAME. HE HATES NONE AND HE IS NOT CRAFTY. He does not lie. He lacks nothing and he does not sow seeds of discord. HE DOES NOT QUARREL BUT HE TREATS EVERYONE THE SAME ALL OVER THE WORLD. HE WILL NEVER DIE, HE IS NOT UNDER ANYTHING AND NONE CAN ADVISE HIM. HE DOES NOT FALL SICK. NOTHING MATTERS BESIDE HIS RULERSHIP. HE IS CAPABLE OF DOING ALL THINGS.




Now you are immersed in your craftiness. Why don't you ask yourself if your actions glorify God? Do you know what the future holds for you? Many of you are living in factions in the same family. The children are separated from the parents, husband is separated from his wife and vice versa. Families are separated from each other and so on. Why do you not rejoice about this sermon? Do you think it is frivolous?

No matter how many you are, what is expected from you is oneness. Some people have formed the habit of opening bethels even in their different rooms only to claim it as their own belonging. BOLDLY THEY HAVE RESOLVED TO USE THE BETHEL MONEY FOR THEIR PRIVATE ENDS. MANY OF YOU KNOW THEM, BUT YOU WOULD NOT SAY A WORD. DO YOU THINK IT IS NOT KNOWN BY THE FATHER? SO IT IS NOT A MATTER OF CRAFTINESS, IT IS RATHER STUPIDITY. That is why people claim that no one loves them. But they themselves love no one, and they do not seek the truth. We have seen the truth, why is it that you cannot forsake the cunning ways and embrace the truth wholeheartedly? The Hausas are coming fast. THIS IS THE KINGDOM OF GOD. The Yorubas are listening and believing the truth.

You have found the truth yet you find it difficult to leave your crooked ways. That is why you find husband and wife operating separate bethels. They will never accept the idea of uniting all the bethels under one roof. Instead, each will prefer his or her own bethel irrespective of the number of attendants at each bethel. The same thing applies to the entire community too. I am aware that people open several bethels along the same street. This happens because people are envious of others. Some are eager to find the truth, and they may not find it through the person they have consulted. Many have deliberately refused to recognize God. You should let go of craftiness, wisdom, tradition, and pride so that it will be well with you. No government or ammunition can stand the one on the throne. In fact, Christ is looking at you sympathetically. Were He not a merciful God, the entire world would have perished.

Because He is forever in existence, the world is saved. You have heard great testimonies concerning the great miracles of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Recently it was testified that nine brethren were inside a boat sailing at Oron great sea, among them were two Brotherhood of the Cross and Star members. Unfortunately there was a great tempest which caused the boat to capsize. Surprisingly the two Brotherhood of the Cross and Star members were seen on the sea shore. The two Brotherhood of the Cross and Star members in their ignorance, marvelled. The remaining seven persons were nowhere to be found. Do you now see how great Our Lord Jesus Christ is? Does this God embrace separation? Oron and Eket are not far apart. What stops them from sharing things and having UNITY OF PURPOSE? You find Oron padding her own boat and likewise Eket. Is that the teaching of Our Lord Jesus Christ? Is it the kind of oneness preached by Him? He is in your room and everywhere. Preach His word boldly. IF YOU SEEK HIM IN THE FLESH YOU WILL NOT SEE HIM. That is the reason you are taught to refrain from sin. You are taught to love, and to be truthful. He rules by love, peace, temperance, humility, mercy, joy, oneness, and every good virtue. Therefore there is no room for any negativity in Him. All those who indulge in negativity shall be completely wiped away from the face of the earth. Do not share or have anything in common with whosoever claims to be a Brotherhood of the Cross and Star member but continues to fornicate, indulge in idolatry, lie, steal, murder, is cunning, hateful and is also a trouble maker. Consider what Our Lord Jesus Christ told us through our brother Paul in 1 Corinthians 5.

All those who follow Our Lord Jesus Christ must emulate the life style of the early apostles. FOR HE IS THE SAME YESTERDAY, TODAY AND FOREVER. Consider this situation. In Ghana, there was a president who was a military ruler, and when it was the time for civilians to rule, he pulled off his uniform, and contested for the presidency. Fortunately, he won the election and resumed rulership as a civilian president. The question is, who is now that military man? Would you say he is not a civilian president? This is exactly the situation with Our Lord Jesus Christ. He came first as a military man and now He has dropped His uniform and turned to a civilian. He is now ruling as the king of mercy, peace, truth and love. THEREFORE HE IS THE SAME AS GOD, AND MAN IS EXPECTED TO WORSHIP HIM. Thus He says: Even as the Son of Man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life as ransom for many. (Matt 20:28).

It is on this note that Christ is said to be the same yesterday, today and forever. He came because of His love and mercy for us to save us from the hands of the devil. He uses love to rule. He uses mercy and truth to rule. And His rulership is devoid of quarreling, fighting and punishment. He has never quarrelled with any person, nor wished anyone bad tidings. He has never once indulged in evil. Therefore, we must emulate Him by hating that which is evil, and love that which is good.

The kingdom of this world has become the Kingdom of Jehovah God and His Christ. There is no discrimination whatsoever; no discrimination with regards to race, sex, or ethnic background. Rather, all are one. We are all one with the angels of God. So you should not create divisions any more. Do not sue anyone or complain about anybody. YOU SHOULD ALWAYS LAY YOUR PROBLEMS BEFORE THE FATHER BECAUSE IT IS ONLY THE KING WHO KNOWS THE SECRET OF HIS KINGDOM. HE KNOWS THE WAY TO TRANSFORM, CHANGE, AND STRAIGHTEN EVERYTHING.

Brethren it is said, a stroke of the cane is sufficient onto the wise. Let he who has ears hear. May God bless His Holy Words. Amen.


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